Fuji film Computed Radiography Dynamix HR Series 5 Review

Fujifilm, the absolute pioneer in digitized medical X-ray imaging, advanced into the industrial inspection field in 1989. Through the building up of proprietary technologies such as evidenced by our imaging plate (IP), a total alternative to X-ray film, we have realized evermore efficiency and quality of inspection work with our high clarity images now through DynamIx - an X-ray inspection system product lineup that provides totally reduced shooting time, eliminates the use of chemicals in developing, and the convenience of reusable IPs where stored data can be erased. All to name a few as the alternative solution to conventional X-ray filming.

This device provide a high resolution reading up to 5 micrometer of accuracy
Radiograph inspection of castings with varying dimensions requires intricate X-ray voltage adjustment by each component part and also requires the separate capture of the various thick and thin proportions of the target by taking multiple exposure shots or by either using composite film - but that’s with conventional X-ray film.

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